Splashy Mermaid Bouquet


Make a splash with this cute mermaid decor! Who doesn’t want a gorgeous mermaid riding the waves for a gift? This design includes a large foil balloon nestled in a base of colorful latex balloons with a bouquet of seven latex balloons on top held down with a simple sand wight hidden under the waves. This design is best used indoors.

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Tell us more

  • What large balloon would you like us to use? *

    Mermaid, Dolphin, Flower, Narwhale, Pink Dolphin, Fish, Monkey, Dinosaur....

  • What colors should we use for the balloons in the base? *

  • What color helium balloons would you like? *

    Up to seven colors.

  • What else would you like to tell us? *

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Make a splash with this cute mermaid decor! Who doesn’t want a gorgeous mermaid riding the waves for a gift? This design includes a large foil balloon nestled in a base of colorful latex balloons with a bouquet of seven latex balloons on top held down with a simple sand wight hidden under the waves. This design is best used indoors.

Check here for additional character options

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